Paul Harvey Made This Prediction in 1965. Now Listen to His Chilling Words…

At noon, I would take a break for lunch and park the tractor under a shady tree. I’d eat my lunch and listen to Paul Harvey. Hearing his voice now brings me back to warm summers when my family was all alive and well. My heart longs for those days.

From 1952 to 2008, Paul Harvey’s voice reached up to 24 million people weekly. His “Paul Harvey News” was broadcast on 1,200 radio stations, 400 American Forces Network stations, and 300 newspapers. Most people remember his iconic segment, “The Rest of the Story.”

America found a treasure in Paul Harvey. Generations tuned in for his stories and wisdom, and his calming and recognizable voice briefly transported listeners, sometimes challenging and changing their perspectives forever.

If you listened, this man could teach you a lot about life. I miss those moments of self-reflection and deep thought. Sometimes I wonder, do we still take the time for that?

Before his TV career, Paul Harvey wrote an essay, updating it over the years. It’s controversial, open to symbolic or literal interpretation—but true either way.

In this audio clip, hear Paul Harvey read the 1996 version of that essay. It’s striking how accurate some of his “predictions” are.

God will see us through these trying times. Trust God.
Paul Harvey was a trustworthy figure. His “Letter From God” broadcast resonated with millions of his fortunate listeners:


God Made A Farmer
And on the eighth day, God looked down on his planned paradise and said, “I need a caretaker.” So God made a farmer.

Intrigued? Ram Trucks was too. Watch Paul Harvey’s dramatic “God Made A Farmer” broadcast come to life with striking visuals:

If you enjoyed hearing Paul’s voice again, feel free to share it with a friend.