Marine Band Pulls Off Perfect Rendition Of ‘Stairway To Heaven’

There are certain songs that will always mean a lot to us. We may have heard them when they were new on the radio many years ago but even today, people continue to cover them in new and creative ways.

One of the songs that many of us absolutely love is the Led Zeppelin hit, Stairway to Heaven. Perhaps we remember hearing it on the radio when it first came out and instantly, it was a hit.

Since its early beginnings, that song has continued to be a very popular song. It has also become somewhat of a standard for those who enjoy certain free lifestyles.

Sometimes, we may hear the Stairway to Heaven song performed in a way that takes us by surprise. That is how many people felt when they attended the Mountbatten Festival of Music. The Royal Marines Band Service was at the event and they were going to perform the song.

It all took place at the Royal Albert Hall and the audience couldn’t believe when they started playing such a popular hit. Thankfully, it was also uploaded to YouTube so that millions of people could enjoy it as well.

A guitarist for the band, Lance Corporal Matt Gregory performed along with Sam McIndoe as she did the lead vocals. It may not have been exactly what Led Zeppelin performed, but it was a rendition that held true for many in the audience.

I think that all of us recognize just how powerful rock ‘n’ roll can be. When you team it up with a military band and such a fantastic performance, it is something that is going to attract a wide audience and many will state just how much they appreciate the music.

If you haven’t had the opportunity to hear this for yourself, we have the video below. Join millions of others who have listened to and appreciated this unique sound.